I’m on a little bit of a pom pom binge – see here. I just can’t help it. Pom poms are not only way too fun, but they are also ridiculously easy to make. Now that I know how to make the DIY pom poms, I’m hooked. PUT DA POM POMS ER’WHERE!
My pom obsession actually started when I kept seeing pom earrings all over. They were popping up in my Instagram feed and invading my email inbox. The worst part about is was these earrings were all overpriced. $32 for pom pom earrings? $58?! I saw some for $129, no lie! These are pom poms we’re talking about here, right? Like the ones you got in bulk as a child – one huge bag costing $1.29. I just couldn’t figure it out and decided it was my due diligence to help you save your hard earned money so you could spend it on better things like over-priced coffee and lipstick.
So, today we’ll venture down another Buy or D.I.Y path with DIY Pom Pom Earrings.
DIY pom pom earrings are hella easy and super cheap. I actually rounded up the real price it cost me to make these above, because it was more like $2.15 after tax.
You’ll need:
–Embroidery Thread: My craft store sells them 3 for a $1. Buy them in bigger bulk and you can get them for about $0.18 a skein.
–Earring Hook Kidney Wires: You can get these 10 for $5, so about $1 per earring set.
-You’ll also need some scissors, but I’m going to go ahead and assume you already have these.

How to Make DIY Pom Pom Earrings
ONE: To make the pom pom, start by wrapping your embroidery thread around a fork. You may remember when we made the pom poms for our DIY pom pillows we used our hand, but since we want smaller delicate poms for this, a fork is perfect.
TWO: Keep wrapping! I wrapped until I couldn’t wrap anymore. The thicker you wrap the more full your pom pom will be.
THREE: Using a piece of embroidery thread, tie this wrapping down the center. Pull it as tight as possible and knot into place. (Note: make the piece of embroidery thread you use to tie the knot about 12 inches long to give you excess thread to work with when you tie it to the earring.
FOUR: With a small pair of scissors, cut all the loops in half. Trim and excess (except the two longer strings you used to tie the knot.
FIVE: Using the two long threads, simply tie the poms onto your earring hook kidney wire. Cut the excess.
You’re done! The picture above shows the poms at the TOP of the earring, you actually want to pull the down to the little eye hook you see on the other side and hang them on that. So, if you’ve never used kidney wire earring hooks, the hook is actually at the bottom.

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this D.I.Y and you use it to save yourself some money while still getting to partake in the pom pom earring trend – because let’s be honest it’s adorable!
If you re-create this, don’t forget to share with me using #butfirstcoffeeDIY – a new hashtag I’m going to start using to document all my DIY adventures!