DIY Painted Pineapple Canvas Sneakers

It’s time to get our hands into another fun DIY today. The weather here in Connecticut has been anything but spring or summer-like lately. Think cold, rainy, cloudy, and sad. Just picture me sitting at my window, sadly looking out the window..and rain is falling and there are raindrops dripping down the window and I look really sad. Now insert some slow, thoughtful music in the back and you’ll get a pretty accurate description of how I looked this week. Maybe a minor exaggeration but you get the point either way.

That being said I really wanted to do a DIY that would gear me up for the warmer weather and make me feel summer-ready. So, that’s why today we’re going to take our hand at making some DIY Painted Pineapple Canvas Sneakers. Sure, you could buy pineapple sneakers for $80 like these, but I made these bad boys for only $10! Holla at yo girl!  As you might know, Michael and I have been doing a lot of saving and cutting from our budget, so DIYs that save are a-ok with us!

DIY Pineapple Sneakers

What you need:

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White canvas shoes, fabric paint in yellow, green, black, and brown, and paintbrushes if you don’t have any.

How to:
1. Start by painting ovals on the shoes. You can paint them randomly, or choose to do a simple pattern like I did. The pattern definitely makes it easiest to ensure all the pineapples are the same size and there isn’t too much blank space.

2. Using the green paint, paint the leaves of the pineapples.

3. Taking the brown on a flat edged brush, I painted the criss-cross pattern you see on pineapples. This doesn’t need to be perfect, it just added dimension and texture to make the pineapples look more real. I also did a few dots of white for highlight, but not totally necessary.

4. Finally, I outlined the pineapples in a black fabric paint. I used a dotting technique along the sides to replicate the spiky edges of pineapples. Then I used more soft strokes for the leaves of the pineapple.

And there you have it! All complete!

If I could make any suggestions or tips,  I would suggest trying the pineapple a few times before painting it on the shoe. If not you might end up with one shoe that looks a little bit better than the other – like you can see on mine below. The one of the right-side is definitely my first run while the left one is the better one.

I think these DIY painted pineapple canvas sneakers came out so fun and they almost made me forget the weather for like 5 minutes! They say the gray skies should be clearing next week so I think you know where I’ll be….in the sun with my new pineapple shoes!

Want some other Pineapple DIY inspiration? Check out these awesome pineapple decals! Want to make more fruit shoes? You’ll like these DIY Watermelon shoes.

I can't wait to make my own DIY Pineapple Sneakers! Share on X

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I'm Kallie!

Also known as That Practical Mom

I’m all about helping you simplify the chaos of life so you can slow down and enjoy it.

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