Shop – Baby Products for On the Go

Below I’m sharing some of my favorite products for going out and about with baby.

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Uppababy Vista

There are A LOT of strollers to choose from. And if you want my full review of this stroller click here (because it’s not for everyone). But this turned out to be the perfect choice for us and we’re SO happy with it. SHOP IT HERE

Hushh Sound Machine

An on-the-go sound machine was a lifesaver for us. This one is small and rechargeable and clips to a car seat or stroller and helps drowns out background noise, soothes fussy babies, and leads to better on-the-go naps. SHOP IT HERE

Car Seat Cover

A car seat cover is great because it keeps your baby covered from the elements while you go in and out of stores or doctor’s appointments as well as added protection from any germs. And they work great for naps on the go since it darkens the car seat. SHOP IT HERE

LÍLLÉbaby Complete Carrier

Baby wearing is a game-changer. We had two carriers but used this one way more. It’s very versatile because you can wear baby 6 different ways. It’s also just super quick and easy to put on. SHOP IT HERE

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I'm Kallie!

Nothing happens around here before coffee, so pour a cup and join me. Here you’ll find life hacks, budgeting, simple DIYs, and honest motherhood.
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