baby eating in upseat with numnum spoon

Starting Solids: Must-Have Products

Introducing solids to a baby is a messy, hilarious, and sometimes frustrating milestone. With 4 kids who have started solids, I have tried every baby feeding product out there. After trial and error, and lots of floor clean-up, I’ve found my go-to feeding essentials. Here are all of the things that I love, that make the process easier, including the cleanup.

starting solids with baby

First Cup: Open Cup

When I started introducing solids, I would put 1-2 oz of water in this ezpz cup after Miles ate and let him drink from it. He was already naturally grabbing for our cups so he understood the concept. At first, I’d encourage him to hold it, but would also have to steady it. Eventually, he could do it on his own (but mind you, 80% of the water still ended up on the floor).

Straw Cups

Baby drinking from straw cup

I like the weighted straw cups. They are very easy for the baby because they can lift and move the cup around and the straw still works. If your little one really struggles with using a straw, these honey bear ones allow you to gently squeeze so the liquid travels up the straw, getting them started.

Abbie Beyond High Chair

The Abbie highchair takes you from baby to child seamlessly. It has a pull-away tray that you can do one-handed which is amazing. The adjustable footrest is great for early eaters. It’s not THE easiest thing to clean. It’s also only mildly durable. It will definitely last 2 kids, but once I got to my third, I’ve had to replace the foam pads and the clips over the years.

Mockingbird High Chair

The Mokckingbird high chair is probably my favorite high chair I’ve used. It is super easy to clean (even the straps are rubber!). The tray pops off easily. The footrest is adjustable. And it’s more durable than the Abbie, in my opinion.


baby sitting in upseat eating with numnum spoon

I love the Upseat for the first 4 to 6 months of eating. Kids are so dang messy when they learn to eat. I find having them on the floor just makes the mess less and makes clean up faster.

Bapron Bibs

This is our FAVORITE bib. I’ve tried SO many bibs at this point, and these are just simple, easy, and not distracting when they eat. They also wash and travel easily. Bonus points for their adorable prints.

Numnum Gootensils

These are little spoons that kind of have a textured hole in the center so it holds onto thing easier than a spoon might. They are a transition spoon that helps little hands scoop.

You can find all of my favorite baby feeding products here.

After 6 years of feeding babies and toddlers, those are my definite must-haves for starting solids. I’ve tried many products and these have stood out to me the most. I hope these essentials make the process easier and a little less messy!

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I'm Kallie!

Also known as That Practical Mom

I’m all about helping you simplify the chaos of life so you can slow down and enjoy it.

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